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How To Make Indian Food Spicier? And Why Is So Expensive!

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

A lot of people don’t know how to make Indian food spicier, but it’s actually very simple. The key is getting the right ingredients. Some traditional Indian dishes have a tendency to get bland if you’ve just added one layer of spice. In these cases, to make Indian food spicier its the best to make your own chilli powder or garam masala for extra heat and flavor. One of the best spice mixes to use with Indian food is a blend of cumin, chilli powder, and coriander. Spices will give any dish a “kick,” but there are certain spices that create specific flavors.

How to Make Indian Food Spicier

Traditional foods in India are famous for their heat and spiciness, often created by cooking the foods in a large amount of oil. While this type of cuisine has proven to be quite healthy, it has gotten some bad press from people who don’t know how to make Indian food spicy. The key to making food spicy is knowing which ingredients will create the desired effect. Certain spices create different types of heat, and it’s best to use these spices in certain dishes.

What Spice Makes Indian Food Hot?

Many traditional Indian recipes call for an abundance of oil, which is great for creating flavor, but not so good if you are watching your caloric intake. Cooking in oil is a quick way to cook your food without using all of the spices, which is why many people tend to add too much oil. This can prevent the dish from getting spicier and can lead to tasteless or bland results.

what spice makes indian food hot

The key is finding a balance between the amount of spice you add and the amount of oil you use. You want your dish to be spicy, but not too spicy. Sweet and sour dishes are usually made with more oil than other types of food in India because some people don’t like heat in their foods.

So the next time you cook Indian food, try using a spice blend to add just enough heat to your dish without making it seem bland. If you’re still unsure of what kind of Indian food to cook, switch it up and experiment with different spices and flavor combinations until you find one that tastes good. Just use common sense and don’t go overboard with the spices. You want to be able to taste your dish, so you don’t want the taste or smell of spices overwhelming the other flavors in your meal.

Although most people know how to make Indian food spicy, they often don’t know how to season it properly. By learning how to season your food correctly, you will be able to make all the curries, biriyanis, and tandoori dishes you want.
There are many ways to season Indian food, and not all of them are very spicy. Most people want their food to be as spicy as possible and find it hard to achieve this goal when they’re cooking at home. However, with a little bit of practice and knowledge about spices, any chef can learn what spice makes Indian food hot.

Why Is Indian Food So Expensive?

why is indian food so expensive
Why is Indian Food so Expensive

Is Indian food so expensive? Indian food can cost 45% more than Chinese or Thai food because many dishes contain 20 to 30 ingredients, sauces can take hours to cook, and spices are the most expensive in the world. There are also fewer restaurants and less competition because Indian food is less popular in the US.

There are many reasons why Indian restaurants charge higher prices, but like most restaurants, they base their prices on the following factors:

Quality and types of food –

The quality of food has a big impact on price. Better quality meat, vegetables, and spices mean higher prices. Imported food is also more expensive. Still, considering that curry may have once been used to mask the taste of rotting meat, it seems that Indian restaurants could save money on lower-quality meats and vegetables because they will be marinated in sauces. However, spices can be expensive.

Rent – ​​If the restaurant is in a nice area or downtown, the prices will be higher.

Work – Indian food takes a long time to prepare, which means paying chefs to prepare the food. In India, some chefs could spend a whole day cooking delicious gravy.
Atmosphere – Restaurant exterior, table cloths, cutlery, crockery, and more cost money.

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